Family Game Night
Lake Country Bible Church 1402 North Pacific Mineola Texas is having a family game night friday march 14th
Lake Country Bible Church 1402 North Pacific Mineola Texas is having a family game night friday march 14th
There is a stirring happening in men right now. A knowing that we were meant for more. Our culture has tried to define what it means to be a man […]
Gilmer night of Worship is a free event to our East Texas Community featuring local musicians Michael Olson, Tara Harris and Candice Mize.
For 30 years Day of Caring reached the greater Tyler community connecting volunteers to nonprofit needs on one day during the summer. Now Serve United offers more opportunities for volunteers […]
We would like to invite you to participate and/or publicize our car show. Our last car show had over 100 vehicles and close to 1000 spectators. Our event is also […]
7th Annual Shoot for Life Fundraising Event: This event will be help on April 26 at Rose City Flying Clays. All proceeds to benefit Open Door Resource Center.
Embracing stillness & wonder seems to be something only children know how to do. Join us, as we take the time to slow down, set aside our phones, & dig […]
Embracing stillness & wonder seems to be something only children know how to do. Join us, as we take the time to slow down, set aside our phones, & dig […]
#RunForFreedom with us in the heart of Tyler, TX! Come celebrate the Fourth of July holiday with fitness, fun, and philanthropy - run or walk the patriotic, family-friendly Freedom […]
Sky Ranch Day camp at Bethel South is back this year and SO MUCH FUN while learning about Jesus! This is open to all campuses and the community. Open to […]