Protect yourself from unwanted attacks. Escape! International self-defense trainer, John Koeshall, will present his Street Smart Defender Class on February 8th from 9:45-11:45 AM at Community Christian Fellowship (CCF), 15704 State Highway 110 N, Garden Valley, TX 75771. All are invited. Must be 16 or older.
3 of the topics that are covered in the program:
• How to shut down the brain of the attacker without killing them
• The one big advantage women have over men
• Three simple effective techniques for disabling an attacker
Full class description:
John has charged up to $150 each for this class, but is generously offering it to CCF for only $25 per person.
All proceeds will support John & Tina’s missionary endeavor in Thailand. Register at
Questions, please call CCF at (903) 882-8501.